Color your light, Color your life

Optone project has been initiated to bring dynamic colors in lighting for daily life, simulating light of skies at sunset for example. Instead of on/off switches, new controls of lighting by physical action such as swinging or rotating are implemented to enjoy colors in simple and intimate manner. The designer has been exploring to enhance experience of life with traditional light systems by developing function additional to form.of product to control full color LED light source with various sensing technologies.

Designer / Engineer
Tsutomu Mutoh

Tsutomu Mutoh has been exploring dynamic form on computer and electronic media through experiments in the area of visual communication design and art expression combining traditional concept of form with digital technology. His current interests are in dynamic colors in time and space and he focuses on visual environment with dynamic light source to develop interactive lighting system. He has been implementing a variety of intuitive interfaces to control dynamic colors in “optone” full-color LED lighting system project aiming “Color your light, Color your life”.

Published Works

optone project — 2012
SaloneSatellite 2011, Milano (2011)
SaloneSatellite 2010, Milano (2010)
SaloneSatellite 2009, Milano (2009)
Habitare, Helsinki (2009)
Japan Design in Milano Salone, Tokyo Design Center, Tokyo (2009)

Optical Tone — 2008
HCII Human Computer Interaction, San Diego (2009)
Honorary Mention in Interactive Art, Prix Ars Electronica 2008,
ARS ELECTRONICA CyberArts Exhibition, Linz (2008)
SIGGRAPH 2008 “New Tech Demo”, Los Angeles (2008)
“Fuchu Biennale”, Fuchu Art Museum, Tokyo (2008)
“JST Research Lab.” Exhibit, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo (2008)
“Dance with Colors!”, SKIP CITY Visual Museum, Saitama (2008)

Optical Trajectory 2 — 2007
“Open Space”, NTT InterCommunication Center, Tokyo (2007)
“City of Resonance: Sendai Art Walk – Light and City”, Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai (2007)

Optical Trajectory 1 — 2006
“JST Research Lab.” Exhibit, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo(2006)

CODECMY—computing experiments on subtracted color method — 2004
Special prize in Interactive Design Works, Tokyo Type Directors Club,
“04 TDC” Exhibit, Ginza Graphic Gallery, Tokyo (2004)